Category: Salesforce

Salesforce Communities Spring ’19 Release Notes: Cliff Notes Version

Salesforce Communities Spring ’19 Release Notes: Cliff Notes Version

It’s spring and Einstein has come out to play on a bike carrying a basket of flowers. While it may not be spring quite yet (it hit 38 degrees here in Los Angeles this week!), we get to dive into a fuzzy, warm review of what the next release has in store for Salesforce Communities.

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Modernizing the Public Sector with Salesforce Cloud Solutions

Modernizing the Public Sector with Salesforce Cloud Solutions

Government. Despite – and perhaps because of – being one of the oldest institutions in the world, its processes and user experience is known for being manual, outdated, and slow. Why? Much of it is centered around – you guessed it – funding. Federal agencies spend 70% of their IT budgets simply maintaining outdated systems, and only 30% goes toward developing new systems. These new system projects were only successful 6.4% of the time, often because of the size and risk associated with a public sector IT project.

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Highlights of the Winter ’19 Salesforce Communities Release

Highlights of the Winter ’19 Salesforce Communities Release

As we wave a final farewell to Koa and Kokua, we turn our eyes toward bigger and better features in the Winter ’19 release. As per the usual, I’m nerd-level excited over these improvements – just ask anyone who begins to talk Salesforce Communities with me!

Winter ’19 is heavily focused on the user experience through gamification, enhanced accessibility, providing the right content to the right audience at the right time, among some other notable changes. Read through the highlights below!

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The 4 Constants in a Salesforce Communities User Experience

The 4 Constants in a Salesforce Communities User Experience

Salesforce Communities have been out awhile now – it’s no news that they are changing the way businesses interact with their partners, customers or employees. A mind-boggling amount of companies utilize Salesforce Communities at this point, ranging from non-profits to Fortune 500s, across all industries. It’s a testament to the built-in power and versatility the Community Cloud offers. I’ve helped design, implement and launch close to 20 myself over the past 3 years! In that time, even with the continuing enhancements each release, I’ve noticed a few constants in the user experience best practices that Communities offers.

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How to create Salesforce record list view where logged in user = created by user?

How to create Salesforce record list view where logged in user = created by user?

I’ve run into this issue a few times in creating list views for self-service communities: A Community user wants to monitor cases they’ve created & rules exist to assign ownership of cases to a queue instead. Out of the box, Salesforce list views offer the filter of “My Cases”, but this only shows cases where the logged in user is the case owner. Oftentimes, the requirement calls for the owner to be assigned to a queue, so the list view can’t utilize the “My Cases” filter. What to do?

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Deploying a Salesforce Community with Change Sets

In preparation for deploying a community this coming weekend, I thought I’d share some knowledge around migrating a community through change sets. It’s been one of the biggest time-saving features Salesforce has invested in to-date, and they’ve only been making it better and better. It’s been available since Summer ‘18 and they made more improvements to it over the Winter ’18 release. The ability has made life SO much easier for those of us neck-deep in community deployments.

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