Category: Partner Communities

Salesforce Communities Spring ’19 Release Notes: Cliff Notes Version

Salesforce Communities Spring ’19 Release Notes: Cliff Notes Version

It’s spring and Einstein has come out to play on a bike carrying a basket of flowers. While it may not be spring quite yet (it hit 38 degrees here in Los Angeles this week!), we get to dive into a fuzzy, warm review of what the next release has in store for Salesforce Communities.

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Highlights of the Winter ’19 Salesforce Communities Release

Highlights of the Winter ’19 Salesforce Communities Release

As we wave a final farewell to Koa and Kokua, we turn our eyes toward bigger and better features in the Winter ’19 release. As per the usual, I’m nerd-level excited over these improvements – just ask anyone who begins to talk Salesforce Communities with me!

Winter ’19 is heavily focused on the user experience through gamification, enhanced accessibility, providing the right content to the right audience at the right time, among some other notable changes. Read through the highlights below!

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Top 5 Exciting Salesforce Communities Summer ’18 Enhancements

Top 5 Exciting Salesforce Communities Summer ’18 Enhancements

Can you smell it? Fresh cut grass, birds chirping, the splash of kids cannonballing into the pool – IT’S SUMMER! Or at least late spring. And with the weather we’ve been having, it may not feel like it, but at the risk of sounding cliche, things are heating up in the Salesforce Summer ’18 release, especially in Communities! Here are some highlights to look out for this release.

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Top 5 Winter ’18 Community Features to be Excited About

It’s that time of year again, pumpkin spice starts to invade your food and drinks and Salesforce begins their Winter release process. Even though it’s still early and many new features are in preview or beta, I’m really excited about seeing these live in Lightning Communities!

There’s quite a bit of new features coming to Communities this release, so here’s an overview of my top 5 areas: Continue reading “Top 5 Winter ’18 Community Features to be Excited About”

Improve Your Partner Community: Applying Feedback

In yesterday’s blog post, we discussed gathering feedback from your partners in order to improve your partner community user experience. Now, in light of Salesforce announcing a preview of the new Partner Central Community in the Summer ’17 release, let’s dive into the data and come up with some solutions on how to address common pain points. Continue reading “Improve Your Partner Community: Applying Feedback”

Improve Your Partner Community: Gathering Feedback

So you want to improve your partner community. You worked hard on it and had high hopes that it would be the sparkle in your partners’ eyes, but it fell flat. Maybe the content isn’t what your partners are looking for (maybe they can’t even find it!), or maybe piecemeal, band-aid-like updates have taken a toll on the user experience and overall design.

We hear you, and we’re here to guide you down the path of improvement. This article, part 1 of 2, will discuss the first step in community improvement: gathering feedback. Continue reading “Improve Your Partner Community: Gathering Feedback”