No matter who you are or what size your audience is, your new Salesforce Community will need a favorite icon, also known as “favicon.” For the uninitiated, the favicon is the tiny icon that appears in the tabs of your browser as well as when you “favorite”, or bookmark, a page, hence the name. This icon is often only seen by people in the periphery but a website really isn’t complete without one. Also, it tends to be one of the last things done on a Salesforce Communities project, and I would argue that it should be done as soon as is reasonable, as it does take time to propagate through to the browsers. Favicons truly complete a website and if it isn’t applied to the community, the favicon will stay as the blue Salesforce Cloud icon which may confuse your users.
Guidelines for your Favicon
When installing your favicon, you need to follow some fairly simple rules:
Make it Simple
Favicons will be tiny representations of your website and brand. You want that to come across clearly and effectively, even at such a small size. Words should also be avoided in favicons, but single letters (e.g. can work. GoPro uses a piece of their logo – one solid color block – instead of all the squares + the GoPro text:
Generate your Favicon
Once you’ve chosen an appropriate image, you will need to size it to 16×16 px and save it as an .ico file. If you don’t have a resource to do this for you, or if your current corporate site doesn’t have one, I would suggest using a favicon generator (Favicomatic is good but there are others). It will shrink your chosen image down to the right size and present it to you as a zip file.
Review your Favicon at Size
After you have the icon at size, definitely take a look at the finished product. It should be clear, even at that size, and should represent your brand well.
Originally posted on Perficient’s Salesforce blog, I encourage you to read the rest of the article by clicking here.