New to Salesforce? Here’s where to start…

In getting to know the community (the “ohana” at Salesforce), I’ve been introduced to some amazing people, both experts in Salesforce, and those just catching the Salesforce bug. The latter often feels unsure where to start – there’s so many clouds, so many certifications, and more of each coming out each quarter. Each time I’m asked “where do you start?”, I ask this question of them: “what are you passionate about?”

Because in all honesty, it doesn’t matter what background you come from, what education you had, what previous jobs you had, what your current financial status is or even where you live. The best part about the Salesforce product is that it’s all-inclusive and easy to learn. And of course there’s the ohana: people across the world, ready and willing to help others learn the product, answer questions and support them in their endeavors.

That’s all well and good, you say, but I want to learn Salesforce. How do I do that?


Start with Trailhead. This will start you off as a “Scout” getting to know Salesforce, getting familiar with the terminology, Lightning versus Classic, all the clouds, etc. You follow trails of modules to earn badges, follow trailmixes of grouped modules on specific topics, and earn superbadges once you gain that base of knowledge. All along the way, you earn points toward higher levels, the end goal being Ranger (which is a bragging right!)

It’s not just a fun place to come and earn badges, these badges actually mean something. If you end up working for a company, you can offer your Trailhead resume as a source of educational accomplishment. If you end up working for a consultancy that’s a partner of Salesforce, these badges and superbadges (think of them as final exams) can count toward their partnership level.

Trailblazer Community

The next best source of information is the community. With a wide range of groups to join on various topics, you’ll surely find your answer here. Beyond the community aspect, the documentation through Help is a great way to find the exact details about a particular product or functionality, often with step by step instructions on how to implement it.

User Groups

Lastly, but certainly not least, get involved! It might seem intimidating at first – these are people you don’t know! But I have yet to find anyone involved in the Salesforce Ohana who hasn’t been welcoming, easy to talk to, and willing to support. There are user groups all around the world and they’ll often host events – happy hours, #SalesforceSaturdays for learning, volunteer events to help your community – that are open invitation. This is the best place to grow your ohana, give back, learn, and feel included.

Everyone is different with their own histories, and there’s a home for anyone in the Salesforce Community. Find your “trail to blaze” and make it happen. Chances are there’s someone out there who’s been in your shoes and can offer their support and guidance with your path.

Take that first step. It’s a magnificent view on the way up 🙂

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