I love typography and everything it entails. It’s pretty telling that my favorite book is The Elements of Typographic Style by Robert Bringhurst. It was assigned as mandatory reading in one of my college courses, and I still have it around because it is such a great resource for all things typography. I’m such a nerd that sometimes I flip through it FOR FUN.
Continue reading “Font Families, Kerning, and Leading: A few basics of typography”
Category: typography
@font-face CSS Property: The use of and why it’s important
Nothing irritates me more on websites than when I see text rendered as graphics. Okay, I take that back – people not picking up after their dogs irritates me more, but I digress. Why would you put perfectly good H1s or body text in a graphic? Some people would say, “Because I want to use that font, but it’s not web-safe.” We-he-he-he-llll, friend, let me tell you a little secret: the @font-face CSS property is here to save the day.
Continue reading “@font-face CSS Property: The use of and why it’s important”